Find the same or different pictures that are eye-catching, pick a store you think is reliable, and choose their sex dolls. This store belongs to my mother, and it will automatically upgrade to my mother-in-law! 

However, the flowers are charming and the pictures are beautiful (True Love Dolls and People Who Can’t Recognize Their Mothers in Picture P are outside the scope of this discussion), and the pictures in many stores are exactly the same. ?

Everyone buys inflatable sex dolls on Taobao, but many people often ignore this issue. The first thing you see when purchasing a doll is the picture. You often see pictures of the same doll in different stores, but are you sure the actual product is exactly the same?

Some new things may be the first time the baby buys them, and the picture (and the brain spirit) has two eyes, the picture should be the same, the product should be the same, or I haven't thought about it yet and there is no problem at all. Under this premise, price replaces "authenticity of love dolls" as the only criterion for selecting new electric hip sex doll.

When you find yourself in this situation, the wisest thing to do is to turn off Taobao, turn on the collection of resources, let LU go first, and calm yourself down in a sage way, which is what the uncle said, which is to use patterns. IQ occupies a very high position. ” Calm down and analyze it again. The thing is, there’s something more interesting in these photos than the price, promises and after-sales situation.
I compared 3 stores trying to find the cheapest price and came across a cute new store.
In all three stores, photos of new and beloved sex dolls are identical, the type of brands that industry insiders will instantly recognize. But if in one store you combine pictures of dolls from at least three different manufacturers and put silicone dolls under the same standard but completely different body standards, then in another store you will end up with an ambiguous brand introduction.
Now that the price has come down, we need to consider each store again. After all, the price is also lower, and we can bring lower prices to our homes. It is possible to wait for a sex doll that does not match the picture.
So how do we avoid this sin?
First, the image is widely used across stores. You only need to move your little hands, cut out the pictures, and ask insiders, you can know which factory produces which inflatable doll. (If you have a picture of a life-size low-light half-face doll, all I can say to you gently is: keep it round! Once you have information about a sex doll, go to a store and ask about the manufacturing
Business second, professionalism
, although Meng Ge cannot buy a true love doll and cares about the attitude of customer service and sales staff, he is as warm as the spring breeze and pays attention to its professionalism.
. A salesperson is not only reflected in his understanding of the product, but also in his ethics and bottom line. In addition to being able to introduce products to you skillfully, you should at least have a more objective attitude. When introducing sex dolls, there are also features. I only talk about the advantages and not the disadvantages. I think this is a kind of information fraud. Think about it.
For example, the so-called smart heating, when you first see this function, the newly filled pink bubble part of your brain will imagine a warm love doll being held in your arms. But you don’t know that this kind of heating can only bring a certain temperature to the baby’s trunk, and cannot heat the head, chest, waist, arms and calves. If you experience a lack of professional customer service, pay tuition for this feature.
What do you think about professionalism? Let's make an analogy.
You: Wow, it has a heating function, is it easy to use? (At this point you are imagining that you are sleeping on a hot silicone doll)
You: Wow, it has intelligent voice function, how about it? (You are in your own head right now and the sex doll is flirting) The other person
: You can chat with 160cm sex doll (enrich your brain)
You: What are the disadvantages of these features? (You may be willing to accept the facts in your heart at this time) The other party
: Unprofessional (to appease your emotions and strengthen your impulse to buy) in
In this case, did the buyer find useful information about these features?
Changed customer service again. You: Wow, it has a heating function, is it easy to use? (At this point you are imagining you are sleeping with a hot sex doll)
Others: The downside to this feature is that it can happen (stop your fantasies)
You: Wow, it has intelligent voice function, how about it? (You are in your own head and the real doll is flirting)
On the other hand: the downside of this feature is that it can cause (brain crash).
You: What are the benefits of these features? (You may be willing to accept this fact at this time) The other party
: No kissing (Can you still play like this when selling dolls?)
Then there is a video for sellers. It’s not like I get up and call the store. Give all your videos to my uncle! "But in the process of choosing a love doll, you encounter a link that requires comparison. The other party has enough information and information to provide you with a choice. For example, the so-called intelligent voice romance that Meng Xin often talks about" "And when choosing a doll, don't Stop listening to the seller's text description, you need the video the first time you see it. After watching the video you will know this smart voice and you will find yourself taking revenge."
As far as the world is concerned, the official US publicity modestly calls it "Talking", and the price of a head is about 10,000 US dollars.
