Building muscle is surprisingly simple compared to other goals such as losing fat, but it does take months and years of weight training and proper eating. To maximize your muscle gain Personal Trainer, consult a qualified personal trainer, exercise physiologist or therapist.

Prioritize rest and recovery between workouts, eat enough protein to stimulate muscle growth and avoid consuming too many calories.
Strengthens bones

Muscles and bones work together to make the body move, so it’s important to have a balance between muscle and bone strength. In fact, the stronger your muscles are, the less likely you are to break a bone.

Exercise is key to building muscle and improving bone density, but not just any exercise will do the trick. Weight-bearing exercises, like jogging and climbing stairs, make your bones work harder to support your body weight, which helps build bone density and slows loss as you age.

You can also build muscle and improve bone density with resistance training, such as Wellen’s Progressive Resistance Exercise (RE). RE consists of exercises with different movement velocities to elicit a mechanical load on the skeleton that increases muscle mass, skeletal function, resting metabolic rate, glycemic control, fat reduction, and bone health. Getting adequate protein is also important for both muscle growth and bone health. Eating a diet rich in protein-rich foods, including dairy, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds, is recommended.
Increases metabolism

Muscle Growth
Muscle cells require energy to function. That means they burn calories, even at rest. In fact, muscle contributes about 20% of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) versus 5% for fat tissue.

This is why a person who is sedentary and has very little muscle mass will have a slower metabolism than someone who is active and lean. But building muscle over time increases your metabolic rate and burns more calories.

The reason for this is that your muscles produce proteins called GLUT-1 transporters, which act like glucose gateways into the body’s cells to be turned into cellular energy. Exercise increases the density of these GLUT-1 transporters, and this increases how much glucose your cells absorb during rest.

Additionally, building muscle increases insulin sensitivity, which reduces your body’s tendency to store excess glucose as fat and promotes the conversion of sugar into fuel for your muscles. This all adds up to an elevated calorie burn, both during and after your workouts.
Reduces risk of injury

Adding weight training and resistance exercises to a workout strengthens the body, increases flexibility and reduces the risk of injury. It’s important to seek professional advice from a personal trainer, exercise physiologist or gym instructor to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly and safely.

Microtears, the tiny injuries to muscle fibres that occur during a workout, help the body build new muscle mass. This process is called hypertrophy. It’s important to be careful and not overtrain, which can cause muscles to become swollen and inflamed.

Resistance training puts strain on joints such as the knees, hips and shoulders. Incorrect technique, excessive load or imbalances between agonist and antagonist muscles can lead to joint injuries. A recent evaluation of resistance training-related injuries from patients who presented to US emergency rooms found that back and knee injuries were the most common.
Builds confidence

When you’re able to build muscle, it can boost your confidence. This is because people tend to respect men who have a lot of muscle mass because it represents strength, which is considered one of the main masculine virtues.

Not only that, but building muscle can help you look leaner and healthier. This will also give you a sense of pride and accomplishment as you see the results of your hard work in the mirror. You’ll also feel more confident about yourself, especially if you’re able to stick with your training regimen.

While having a muscular physique can contribute to feelings of self-confidence for some individuals, it’s important to remember that confidence is a feeling that can be shaped by many different factors. However, it’s important to remember that confidence can be a muscle that, like physical muscles, can be strengthened through training. Having the right mindset, tracking your progress, and using the best supplements for bodybuilding can help you build your confidence both inside and outside of the gym.