No. 1 Florida State defeated Villanova by a 2-0 score today at the Seminole Soccer Complex in Tallahassee, FL.Game RecapIn the 11th minute the Seminoles generated their first dangerous chance. Ashlyn Puerta spotted Taylor Huff making a run into the box. Huff caught up with the ball at the edge of the six. Villanova keeper Hannah Dickinson came off her line to try to snag the ball but Huff was able to touch it away from her. Huff then squared the ball back for Puerta who received it at the edge of the six. Puerta tried to toe poke it toward the goal but she missed it. The ball rebounded to Kameron Simmonds who immediately sent it over to Peyton McGovern who was wide open in the box. McGovern one-timed a shot toward goal but it was cleared off the line.In the 23rd minute FSU earned a corner kick. Huff stepped up to take it. Huff sent a left footed cross for the far post. It was knocked away by Dickinson but the ball was kept in by the Noles. Sophia Nguyen was unmarked in the six yard box and she tried to volley the ball back toward goal. It was blocked by the traffic right in front of goal. The ball rebounded back to Nguyen who took a right footed shot from about 10 yards out. Nguyen's shot was also blocked but this time the rebound came back to Mimi Van Zanten at the edge of the six. Van Zanten then roofed a shot over four Wildcat defenders who had fallen to the ground. The goal was the third of the year for Van Zanten and it gave Florida State a 1-0 lead.Just Keep Shooting‼️OneTribe FSU Soccer position. Her normal position is at the 10. Ran Iwai played about 40% of the game in the midfield and the rest of the game at her more accustomed right back position. FSU is leaning on the versatility of their veteran players as well as letting them have a little fun by playing different positions.Solai Washington was not wearing a boot today but she was moving with a noticeable limp. She is still likely at least a couple of games away from returning.Villanova played this game in a low block and rarely challenged FSU in the Seminole defensive third. I understand that Florida State has a lot of talent left but the reality is that the Noles are operating with a very thin bench. I continue to be surprised that teams aren't trying to pressure the Seminoles by speeding up the game to test the Florida State depth. Maybe it wouldn't have worked for the Cats and they would have lost a more open game by more goals. However, they simply weren't going to beat FSU by sitting back in a low block. That low block strategy might keep a team from getting blown out but it is very unlikely to result in a victory. If the Noles were at full strength the low block strategy would make much more sense but right now the fact is that Florida State has an Achilles heel. It just doesn't seem like their opponents are interested in taking advantage. This wasn't the prettiest game I have ever seen from FSU but right now style points don't matter. The Seminoles are basically doing their best to get results and avoid any further injury as they try to navigate this period with so many players missing. They accomplished that goal today.Next GameFlorida State will travel to Gainesville to face the Gators next Sunday. The game will kickoff at 2pm and will be broadcast on the SEC network.