I saw many people staying in ... hopeless relationships.

And I ... personally ... have a huge experience in that.

The only real difference is that ... today ... i know when a relationship ... comes to a point of .... "terminal cancer".

I saw it ... into my personal life ... and I easily recognise to the others.

But if before i saw all as a drama ... today I realise it's all a ... blessing.

Of course ... an abstract one ... difficult to be understood.

... and not by everyone.

I analyse my past ... and more I understand it deeply... i start smiling and then ... just laugh.

Looks like a stupid attitude .... and even a total nonsense ... but continuing my analysis ... i have the confirmation ... it's not.

So ... i wonder ... what the hell i should do today if i would be on another pathetic pathless path of life?!

And ... what i should recommend to someone close to me in such a situation?!

Well ... first of all ... i believe we have the duty to not lie to ourselves ... at least not forever.

Of course ... give us time ...

... not push ourselves.

On the other hand ... analysing and defining all ... but also becoming aware of the fact that things can't be redefined into better ... never ever ... accept the fact that we will not get anymore what we really want ...

It's all ... hopeless.

... and useless.


Unfortunately ... we can't accept this concept of ... "terminal cancer".

It's too difficult to digest it.

We can't accept the meaning of ... pathless path either ... not even when all it's so, so obvious.

My final conclusion is that we accept this type of unhappiness from the present moment ... being afraid of that type of unhappiness we would feel when we lose ... the unhappiness experienced in couple.

So ... we can't live together anymore.

... but can't brake up ... either.

And ... we allow life to continue ... pathetically ... ignoring that our souls can die ... and born again.

"Terminal cancer" ... it's an expression which i hate ... but i


know it's a clear signal ... and I should see all as a real blessing ... not as a drama.

... cause maybe i have to experience new and new things ... so that i can understand life.

Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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