A Cabergoline supplier is a company that provides a raw material or finished formulation upon request. They must be able to supply a product with a specific monograph like EP (European Pharmacopoeia) or USP.

Some bodybuilders use cabergoline as a preventative measure against prolactin based gynecomastia caused by running steroids. They also find it useful when it comes to suppressing appetite and enhancing libido.


Cabergoline or Dostinex is a medication that can treat excessive prolactin production, a hormone that is normally produced by the pituitary gland. This excess of the hormone can cause problems such as gynecomastia in men and breast milk production in women. It is also used to treat certain neurological disorders. Cabergoline is available in different forms, including tablets, injectable solutions and injections. The price of this drug varies depending on the manufacturer and country of origin.

Some bodybuilders use Caber to normalize libido when they are using steroids that increase levels of prolactin or because of a medical condition. In addition, this medicine can reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. Taking this medication can lead to stomach pains, but these side effects are usually not serious.

Finding reliable manufacturers and suppliers of Cabergoline Bodybuilding can be a challenge, but with Pipeline Parma’s global B2B online marketplace, you can find the right partners quickly and easily. You can search for Cabergoline manufacturers and suppliers by name, product type or country. You can also filter by certificates such as GMP, CEP and written confirmation. In addition, you can contact potential suppliers directly through the site’s send inquiry button. This saves you time and money and increases your chances of success.


Cabergoline is a medication used to treat high prolactin levels. It is also an effective treatment for Parkinson's syndrome. It can cause a number of side effects, including abdominal pain, dizziness, and sleepiness. It is important to tell your doctor if you have any other health conditions before taking this drug. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take this medicine.

It can be difficult to find reliable Cabergoline Bodybuilding Manufacturers and suppliers. Fortunately, Pipeline pharma’s global B2B online marketplace makes it easy to find trusted partners with our integrated search engine. You can even refine your results by filtering on certificates such as GMP, FDA, CEP, and written confirmation. You can also specify whether you are looking for a specific monograph, base, hydrochloride, micronisatum, or more.

Often sold under the brand names Dostinex and Cabaser, cabergoline is a dopamine agonist that treats hyperprolactinemia. It is also a powerful antidepressant and is used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. It can also be used to treat other conditions that affect the central nervous system.

Many bodybuilders use cabergoline in a variety of ways. Some use it to help with gynecomastia associated with steroids that increase the levels of prolactin. Others use it to boost libido. It can also be used to reduce cravings for junk foods, which can make it easier to lose weight. Cabergoline can also improve motor skills, so that you can work out harder and push your muscles to their limits. It can be very helpful if you have to compete.


Cabergoline has received particular interest in the Bodybuilding community for its potential to improve muscle growth and athletic performance. However, its use in bodybuilding is off-label, and it has significant risks for health and safety. It can cause nausea, headache, and dizziness, which may interfere with a bodybuilder’s normal daily activities and exercise routine. It can also cause blurred vision and hallucinations, which can be dangerous if not treated promptly. The drug is known to interact with other substances, and it is important to seek medical advice before using it.

Cabergoline is an orally active compound that reduces prolactin levels in the pituitary gland. It is used by physicians to treat hyperprolactinemia and other hormonal disorders. It can also reduce the side effects of some anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders often use it to counteract the effects of trenbolone, which can lead to gynecomastia. It can also increase libido in some people.

Another advantage of cabergoline is its ability to increase the production of dopamine, which is a natural hormone that can help control appetite and cravings for certain foods. The ability to reduce cravings can help a bodybuilder adhere to a strict diet and exercise program. It can also make it easier to lose fat and improve muscular definition. In addition, it can help keep energy levels high during caloric restriction. It can also promote faster recovery after a workout.

Customer Service

Cabergoline is a drug used to treat disorders caused by excess prolactin production, a natural hormone that is responsible for breast milk in women and testosterone and sperm production in men. It is also a potent dopamine agonist. This property makes it attractive to bodybuilders, who want to increase their muscle mass and improve their endurance. The drug can help them do this by reducing the amount of pain they feel when working out. It can also be used to improve sleep quality and reduce gastrointestinal upsets.

Another reason bodybuilders use cabergoline is that it helps reduce gynecomastia and other effects of steroid cycles that raise prolactin levels. It can also normalize libido, which is a problem with many steroids. It is also a good choice for people who suffer from low prolactin levels due to hypothalamic disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease.

The most important thing to look for when searching for a cabergoline supplier is their reputation. A reputable company will offer quality products and will be available to answer any questions you may have. They will also provide you with a detailed quote for the cost of your order. They will also offer you a variety of shipping options to meet your needs, including express and expedited services. They will also make sure that the products you receive are of the highest quality and are guaranteed to be free from toxins and heavy metals.

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