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Everything and everyone will eventually reveal their true answers with time. In the gentle flow of days, don’t talk about forever—just cherish the moments. #CasualSnapshots #AClassicSongRecallingQiongYaoDramaHits #ThienHaTienNuEverything and everyone will eventually reveal their true answers with time. In the gentle flow of days, don’t talk about forever—just cherish the moments. #CasualSnapshots #AClassicSongRecallingQiongYaoDramaHits #ThienHaTienNu0 評論 0 分享 464 瀏覽量 4 0 Reviews請登入後使用 點讚,分享和評論功能!
Pause and turn off those trivial worries! Take a break from life, and be a happy, carefree person today. Go at your own pace and do the things you love…
#SnapshotsOnTheGo #LifeIsMoreThanTheHustlePause and turn off those trivial worries! Take a break from life, and be a happy, carefree person today. Go at your own pace and do the things you love… #SnapshotsOnTheGo #LifeIsMoreThanTheHustle0 評論 0 分享 402 瀏覽量 7 0 Reviews -
It feels like there's still time for everything, yet also not enough time for anything. Time only heals those who want to be healed... #SnapshotsOnTheGo #SeasonOfListeningToThoseYearsIt feels like there's still time for everything, yet also not enough time for anything. Time only heals those who want to be healed... #SnapshotsOnTheGo #SeasonOfListeningToThoseYears0 評論 0 分享 223 瀏覽量 8 0 Reviews