To all students out there who are struggling with their schools, dealing with depression, anxiety dealing with family problems, and thinking about giving up, I just want to say that PADAYUN! taas na kaayo ka ug gibaktasan tas mu give up raka? Ayaw uy! Padayun lang langga even tho wala ka kahibaw asa ni padulong, even tho hinay kaayo imong progress padayun ra gihapon small steps is still a progress. we can get through this! Makab-ot ra natu atung pangandoy puhon and maka-ingon ta na, "wow this is my destination or this is what God lead me to be, I'm proud of me because I didn't give up on the days that all I can see is dark clouds, pain and struggles" PADAYUN! every struggle has its purpose and kung nagkamali ka before or naa kay mga wrong decisions na nabuhat before, well it is your lessons na dili na nmo utrohon because you already learn from that lesson don't let your past mistakes slave you let those empowers you or unsa pa ng imong gipagdaanan nmo karun don't let it enslave you but let those struggles empowers you PADAYUN!!
To all students out there who are struggling with their schools, dealing with depression, anxiety dealing with family problems, and thinking about giving up, I just want to say that PADAYUN! taas na kaayo ka ug gibaktasan tas mu give up raka? Ayaw uy! Padayun lang langga even tho wala ka kahibaw asa ni padulong, even tho hinay kaayo imong progress padayun ra gihapon small steps is still a progress.😊👍 we can get through this!❤️ Makab-ot ra natu atung pangandoy puhon and maka-ingon ta na, "wow this is my destination or this is what God lead me to be, I'm proud of me because I didn't give up on the days that all I can see is dark clouds, pain and struggles" PADAYUN! every struggle has its purpose and kung nagkamali ka before or naa kay mga wrong decisions na nabuhat before, well it is your lessons na dili na nmo utrohon because you already learn from that lesson don't let your past mistakes slave you let those empowers you or unsa pa ng imong gipagdaanan nmo karun don't let it enslave you but let those struggles empowers you😊❤️ PADAYUN!!
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