• Managing Glue Overflow in Flexible Printed Circuit Manufacturing
    Introduction   Glue overflow in Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) manufacturing occurs when the adhesive from the overlay flows out during the lamination process, leading to undesirable glue stains on the FPC pads. This issue is often triggered by the rise in temperature during lamination, causing the adhesive to become more fluid. Several factors contribute to glue overflow, and it is...
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  • Progress and Applications of Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC)
    Introduction With the rapid evolution of electronic products, particularly in consumer electronics like smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices, the application of Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC) has become increasingly prevalent. This document explores the characteristics, production processes, and applications of FPCs, with a focus on the integration of FPCs and rigid PCBs to form...
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  • What is the function of flexible printed circuits?
    柔性印刷电路(FPC)主要有以下作用: 1. 连接功能    元件连接:FPC 可连接芯片、电阻、电容、电感等电子元件,形成完整电路,实现电子信号的传输和处理。例如,在智能手机中,FPC 将主板与摄像头、显示器、指纹传感器等元件连接起来,确保它们正常运行和通信。      板间连接:用于连接不同的电路板,使它们协同工作。例如,在笔记本电脑中,FPC 通常将主板与键盘、触摸板等输入设备连接起来。 2. 信号传输功能    高速信号传输:可支持高速数字信号的传输,满足现代电子产品对数据传输速度和质量的要求。例如,计算机中的高速数据总线、高清视频信号传输线等,都可能使用FPC来保证信号的完整性和稳定性。    ...
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