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AirAsia MOVE’s third quarter revenue declines on reduced sale of AirAsia flight ticketsAirAsia MOVE, the digital arm of Malaysia-based Capital A, has reported lower revenue during the third quarter ended September 30, 2024, mainly due to reduced sale of AirAsia flight tickets. Capital A said in a statement on Thursday that AirAsia Move reported revenue of MYR 128 million ($28.82 million), a 25 percent year on year decline. It is noted that as the aviation group is recovering...0 မှတ်ချက်များ 0 ရှယ်ယာများ 868 မြင်ကွင်းများ 0 Reviews
AirAsia MOVE, Tongcheng Travel team up to enhance travel solutionsAirAsia MOVE, a Malaysia-based online travel agent (OTA) in, has on Friday announced a partnership with Tongcheng Travel, a player in China’s travel industry, to enhance travel solutions. AirAsia MOVE said in a statement that this partnership marks a significant milestone for the firm and Tongcheng Travel in achieving resource integration, enriching user experiences, and driving...0 မှတ်ချက်များ 0 ရှယ်ယာများ 2K မြင်ကွင်းများ 0 Reviews
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